This is for Lia and her family

Four years ago, I was very lucky to make friends with Talia. Talia lives in California, and no, we haven't actually ever met, but that hasn't stopped us from becoming very good friends. I was in my mid-teens and she had just taken up a job at a model photography studio, while continuing with her studies. Anyway, our shared passion for football, and one one footballer in particular, is the reason we met when we both joined the online community/blog zidanefans on livejournal.
Over the years, I became good friends with not just Lia, but most of the other lovely ladies on 'Made in Marseille', including Marion, Arti, Sandra, Luise and Claire to just name a few. I was the youngest of the lot, and needless to say they adored me and my charming disposition. Lia in particular, was always very supportive and my seemingly wild, youthful ways about the community.
A few days ago, Lia stopped visiting the website. And that's never happened before, and I missed her a lot.We were all very worried so we asked Marion. She said that Lia was facing a crisis at home. Her 30 year old sister-in-law had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was on her deathbed, leaving behind a 4 month old daughter. We were so upset on hearing that but no amount of prayers or long letters of consolation to Lia could change the inevitable.
Lia came back to the website three days ago. Her sister-in-law passed away.
We've sent our condolences to Talia. But somehow, it doesn't seem enough. I'd like to pray for the soul of the young woman, and her family in time of need, especially for my dear friend Lia, and her baby niece. May she rest in peace.
October is breast cancer awareness month. I urge you to do your bit. Blog, tweet, wall. Spread awareness.
Thanks Sirius, for sharing this. Will try my best to do my bit.
ReplyDeleteOh wow, I had no idea you posted this or that you have a blog! I will show it to lia! You are really one great little lady!! *hugs* I wish we will meet one day and I truly mean it!!
ReplyDeleteMarion! How on earth did you find my blog?
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of embarrassed, I don't think much of it. That's why I never told any of you guys.
Of course I'll be honoured if Lia reads it.
Haha, you flatter me, and of course we shall meet one day!!! And it'll be awesome! <3
I'm a good private detective....;)
ReplyDeleteNo linked it on your twitter account, so it was easy to find. :D
Lia already read it and she was very touched. I wish I remembered what she called you...but it was a very complimentary word. ;)
Actually I think your blog is nice and I love your little ramblings. :) Don't be shy, my blog is only considered more worthwhile because it's about a famous person, but let me tell you...writing such a blog is a lot easier than actually making my own content!
I did indeed read this lovely entry and printed it so i can show it to my brother. The internet has a bad reputation for bringing in the dregs of society but i can honestly say, the little experience i have had has all been positive. The people i have met have enriched my life in so many ways and give me a whole new outlook on another way of living and thinking. Look at Marion and I - we had never before even met face to face until just a couple years ago when she finally visited California. We bonded like sisters. I adored her like a little sister...even my teen aged cousin adored Marion! we also loved Marion's mum and dad. I cant imagine my life without them in it now. And all this had its basis in a blog about a very dishy and sexy French footie god. I hope to someday meet you to Prianthi. I can already sense that we are destined to be like sisters regardless of the age difference and the distance. The Zizou binds us together hahaha. plus the fact that i will be planning trips to both India and Singapore in the coming year or two. I think you are an exceptional, beautiful, intelligent and brilliant young woman of the world who is destined to do extraordinary things. I don't see you ever settling for less. Yours is the generation that will rule everything. We are all so proud of your accomplishments at LJ!!!we do feel like the proud older aunties.....Anyway, thank you so much for your beautiful words about my sister in law Jennifer We miss her terribly. It doesn't get easier. Anyway, i hoped to write more but i gotta finish my arabic translating homework which is due in the morning. I will try to send you a beautiful picture Jennifer when she was still healthy and looked like a young Julianne Moore and recent one of the baby who has turned into a little butterball of smiles and coos even though she was delivered prematurely and weighed all of 3 lbs at her birth. Gotta your bloog!!! kisses!!!
ReplyDeleteLia & family
very good
ReplyDeleteLia, can't thank you enough for reading this.
ReplyDeleteYou're a wonderful, wonderful woman and I am SO proud of you! One day we shall meet...
Till then, our mutual Zizouness will keep us as close friends.
Hope your family and baby niece is doing better.
Love always,