You can wait and wait and wait some more.
She won't come. Its too early in the morning. She never comes early in the morning.
You think your life is hard. Oh, please.
What exactly are you waiting for? A moment, that will define you? Give a shred of credibility to your existence?
Remember, when people fall in love, its not always bright and sunny. They can be dark and desolate. But they choose to be dark and desolate together.
You keep yawning, and looking at the door.
I'm telling you, she won't come yet.
Sometimes, the best way to deal with something is to deal with it later.
I remember what it was like, to be you. I remember the waiting. It was not fun.
I know, you keep hoping that something dramatic will happen and then she'll turn up.
God, you are foolish.
Let me know how it went.


  1. Ohk! Dat was superb! i know da feeling. :D miss u hubby

  2. Aww! I miss you too! I am having a great time here with Sakshi though! :)

  3. It does. Sometimes, optimism is foolish.


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